
Our in house ability to manufacture both polyester and phenolic resin based DMC – Dough Moulding Compound, and SMC – Sheet Moulding Compound into a diverse range of finished products, enable us to provide practical solutions across a spectrum of applications. Both of these types of compound offer a high volume and cost efficient production route to obtaining the benefits of thermosetting plastics.

The properties of the material can be modified to suit individual customer and application requirements by changing the type of resin used, the amount of glass content, fillers and other additives. In addition most of these grades can be supplied in a range of coloured and granite look materials to offer the designer the widest choice. Whatever your requirements Hepworth Composites has the materials and the expertise to meet the needs of engineers and designers.

Sheet Moulding Compound -SMC
Produced in a sheet form between removable polyethylene sheets. Used mainly in applications where mechanical strength is the most important criteria for the application

Dough Moulding Compound – DMC
Produced in a Dough or Bulk form, the material offers slightly lower mechanical strength than SMC. Used mainly in complex mouldings where dimensional stability and a high standard of surface finish are required.
Note: In some countries this material is referred to as BMC